

1 zucchini green, long
¼ butternut squash
2 carrots
¾ cup shitakee mushrooms
¾ cup regular mushrooms
All season salt
Herbes de provence
Olive oil




Preheat oven for 10 minutes at 180°C. Cut all vegetables to big cubes. Note that ¼ cup butternut squash yields around 1 cup of cubed squash. Mix all vegetables together except the mushrooms. In a small bowl, stir together olive oil, all season salt, turmeric and herbes de provence. Toss with vegetables until they are coated. Place in a pre-heated oven and bake for 15 minutes. Remove, wait until they cool down a little, add in the mushrooms, mix well and add a little more seasoning. Bake for another 10 minutes. Serve it as a side dish. Enjoy and Bon Appétit!


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