July 30, 2020 Donna 0

WHAT YOU NEED 3-4 cm fresh ginger 3 TBSPs lemon juice 1 TBSP Manuka honey 3-4 cups boiling water INSTRUCTIONS Pour the boiling water adding the lemon juice and honey. Stir to dissolve. Then peel the ginger and then cut it thin slices (or grate

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April 14, 2019 Donna 42

After having lived in Dubai for 3 years and enjoyed hanging out in parks with my son and friends where you just pack your bag and your lunchbox and enjoy the outdoors. It had become an important outing for my son. Now that I am


December 24, 2017 Donna 0

Maureen is my right hand woman. She keeps me sane, she keeps our home well-organized, she gives me the time to work, and she wears a smile on her face .. ALL the time! I rely on her so much. To say that I juggle


August 14, 2013 Donna 0

There’s this book that I am currently reading (my uncle recommended it and I thank him for that) that is an eye opener about how our digestive system works and what we should and should not eat. Here’s a picture of the book that I