My journey started when I was diagnosed with Immature Teratoma (a type of Ovarian Cancer) in 2013. Yes, I was diagnosed with cancer. It’s a disease I always hear about but never in my life did it occur to me that it could happen to me, well at least not at this age. I was 25, recently married and a career-oriented woman.

It was very hard to get into my head what was happening, started off in denial. With a lot of positive energy from family and friends and strength from God, I came to accept my diagnosis and the fact that chemotherapy is needed, and most importantly that I will lose my hair! So, I decided to share every phase of my experience while going through treatment, hoping it would benefit someone, somehow, someway. Although it was difficult to openly share my inner feelings and thoughts with the world, I managed to do it with no regrets! Moving on, this “short detour” changed my outlook on life. I decided to lead a life of healthy enjoyment. And so here I am, back on my two feet, combining my passion for cooking with my lifestyle changes, and ready to share my long life passions and discoveries.



Cancer is in your mind, if it is out of your mind, it is out of your body. If you come to think about it, this technically applies to everything in life. It is all about the mindset.


During my treatment, I was lucky enough to have been introduced to a girl who walked my footsteps. She was diagnosed with Immature Teratoma 2 years prior to my diagnosis and was my age. In fact, we were born on the same day (goose bumps!). Meeting her and sharing the same experience made me feel better and helped me realize the importance in having someone that you can relate to. I didn’t find any cancer-related (ovarian cancer in particular) blogs. So realizing the outcome, I decided to take this blog a step further and give room for others to share their experiences with others or with me (if they would like to keep it anonymous). Let it be a platform for questions/support, anything!

If you have a story to share with my readers, or simply with me, please fill in the fields below and I will review it before sharing. If you would like to remain anonymous, please state so in the message and we’ll make sure that your name or website doesn’t get published publicly.

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